What is it for How is it made How does it work
SIBO is a form of dysbiosis, meaning a qualitative and/or quantitative alteration of the bacterial flora in the small intestine. Unlike the colon (which has a bacterial load of 10^9-10^12 CFU/ml), a healthy small intestine contains a very low bacterial load (<10^3 CFU/ml). In the case of SIBO, the bacterial load in the small intestine reaches or exceeds 10^3 CFU/ml.
These bacteria metabolize ingested carbohydrates, producing various byproducts such as hydrogen and carbon dioxide, which are responsible for gastrointestinal disturbances. Among the fermentation products are also short-chain fatty acids (acetic, butyric, and propionic acids), which, however, play beneficial roles for the gut.
Controindicazioni particolari
Controindicato in casi di ipersensibilità accertata verso uno dei costituenti.
• Pazienti che assumono Warfarin (Coumadin, Sintrom),
• Pazienti a etti da favismo,
• Pazienti con esofagite sintomatica,
• Gravidanza e allattamento.
Non è possibile aprire le capsule.
Contenuti medi
per dose (max) giornaliera (4CPS)
564,7 mg
di cui Cannella o.e.
160 mg
di cui Tea Tree o.e.
160 mg
di cui Timo o.e.
160 mg
N- Acetilcisteina
400 mg
340 mg
Sodio butirrato
260 mg
Aglio e.s.
240 mg
di cui allicina
2,4 mg
Are you a healthcare professional?
Fill out the form to receive the technical sheet and specifications of SIBOSOLV®.
Contrada Torre Pavone Z.I. Snc, 70033 Corato (BA), Tel. +39.080.8723739 info@erbenobili.com, IT06679450723 @ 2024 Erbenobili S.R.L. Tutti di diritti riservati.